Collecting latest date from another sheet that has multiple matching cells.


I have a master sheet that contains all of the items we have on order. Each individual order typically has multiple items and a separate delivery date. I need a formula to look through the data to return the closest delivery date listed for that item. I have tried INDEX(COLLECT, which I use all the time, I've tried MAX(COLLECT and I keep getting error #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET messages for both.

=MAX(COLLECT({BB Delivery Date}, {BB PARTS LISTED}, [Part List]@row))

=INDEX(COLLECT({BB Delivery Date}, {BB PARTS LISTED}, [Part List]@row), 1)

Here is a screen shot of the master sheet.

Is the problem here that there are multiple parts with the same name on the same row? Is there a better way or function to return the delivery date with out adding a helper date column next to each column and making the formula really long?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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