SUMIFS to find total hours for this year.


Greetings, I'm attempting to get a sum of all hours requested for the current year for a specific employee number (JDE). I feel I'm close but getting hung up on the YEAR part.

=SUMIFS([Hours Requested]:[Hours Requested], [Date of Submission]:[Date of Submission], YEAR([Date of Submission]@row) = YEAR(TODAY()), [JDE]:[JDE], JDE@row,)

Any assistance greatly appreciated.


  • Seth Morth
    Seth Morth ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Dave,

    I think you may be missing an 'AND', try this:

    =SUMIFS([Hours Requested]:[Hours Requested], [JDE]:[JDE], JDE@row, [Date of Submission]:[Date of Submission], AND(YEAR(@cell) = YEAR(TODAY())))

    If that doesn't cut it I am using the below for something similar and it may help you. In it I sum up the total order $ for the month of November to a specific vendor.

    =SUMIFS(OrderTotalCost:OrderTotalCost, SupplierName:SupplierName, ="Really Awesome Vendor", OrderEntryDate:OrderEntryDate, AND(MONTH(@cell) = 11, IFERROR(YEAR(@cell), 0) = YEAR(TODAY())))

    I hope this helps!

    • Seth

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