Multiple dates meeting criteria causing #INVALID DATA TYPE error


So I'm using this formula to find the earliest date that isn't a blank out of a column, and when I only have one date that's in the column and is greater than or equal to today the formula returns the correct date or "No Project Scheduled" appropriately. However, when I have two or more dates that meet that same criteria the formula throws a #INVALID DATA TYPE error.

=IF(COUNTIF({Estimated Shoot Date}, >=TODAY()), MIN(COLLECT({Estimated Shoot Date}, {Estimated Shoot Date}, @cell <> "", {Estimated Shoot Date}, >=TODAY())), "No Project Scheduled")

Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Try saying "if the count is greater than zero:

    =IF(COUNTIF({Estimated Shoot Date}, >=TODAY()) > 0, MIN(COLLECT({Estimated Shoot Date}, {Estimated Shoot Date}, @cell <> "", {Estimated Shoot Date}, >=TODAY())), "No Project Scheduled")

    Without it (assuming there are three dates for example) you are saying

    =IF(3, MIN(COLLECT(...........

    The reason it works when there is one or zero is because one and zero also equal true and false.


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