Formulas and Functions

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Adding Second Sheet to Countifs formula

The reference sheet for my COUNTIFS formal has maxed out the number of rows available so I created another sheet to reference.

How do I add the second sheet to this COUNTIFS formula:

=COUNTIFS({Next Follow Up Jun}, <=DATE(2022, 8, 31), {Next Follow Up Jun}, >=DATE(2022, 8, 1), {OM5}, "Stacy Redd")

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    I just had this happen to one of my projects and all I did was add another COUNTIFS formula with a "+" sign to my original COUNTIFS formula.

    For an example:

    =COUNTIFS({Next Follow Up Jun}, <=DATE(2022, 8, 31), {Next Follow Up Jun}, >=DATE(2022, 8, 1), {OM5}, "Stacy Redd") + COUNTIFS(this formula would reference the second sheet)

    All this would do would add the COUNTIFS formulas together to give you a total count.

    Let me know if this works for you! :)


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