Prevent non-existent dates

Is there a way to prevent non-existent dates from being entered into a date formatted column?

I have found individuals have entered dates that do not exist (ex. 4/31/22).

Thank you.


Best Answer

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Paul G.

    I tested it out on a sheet just now. If I change the date column properties to have "Restrict to dates only" selected then it didn't like me entering 04/31/22. That should fix it I believe. Since you're the sheet owner (I'm guessing), then you'll get a warning which will allow you to enter a non-date but others won't get the warning. They just won't be allowed to enter non-dates or dates such as 04/31/22 or 02/30/22.


  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Paul G.

    I tested it out on a sheet just now. If I change the date column properties to have "Restrict to dates only" selected then it didn't like me entering 04/31/22. That should fix it I believe. Since you're the sheet owner (I'm guessing), then you'll get a warning which will allow you to enter a non-date but others won't get the warning. They just won't be allowed to enter non-dates or dates such as 04/31/22 or 02/30/22.

  • Paul G.
    Paul G. ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you @Mike TV for the answer.

    Being new to Smartsheet I had not noticed this setting.


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