Formulas and Functions

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Splitting a list of contacts

I have a formula that pulls contact names using a certain condition. The problem is that in some cases it returns more than 20 contat names that is the limit for contacts in a cell.

I am looking for a way to split the result in 2 or 3 coliumns so any column will not have more than 20 contact names.

Any ideas on how to achieve this?


  • Moderator

    Hi @compartido.tactic ,

    Depending on what's the formula that you are using to return contacts in your cell, it may be possible to add the COLLECT Function to specify additional conditions met that can further restrict the number of contacts returned in each new column.

    If you can't figure this out or you'd need further advise, please include an example of the formula and some screenshots from your environment making sure that any sensitive information has been hidden.

    I hope that this can be of help.



  • Julio, Thanks a lot for your response... actually from de begining I was using Collect... the point was to divide in 2, 3 or 4 groups of up to 20 results (this is the limit Smartsheet imposes to a cell with contacts) a list of 21 or more. What I did was to count the number of contacts in a particular area and depending on that number split the list using a Match (to look for the corresponding Index) along with Collect and then asigning the proper group to each person in each area

    Here is the example of the formula:


    IF(AND(COUNTIF([Area de Trabajo]:[Area de Trabajo]; [Area de Trabajo]@row) > 60; MATCH(RUT@row; COLLECT(RUT:RUT; [Area de Trabajo]:[Area de Trabajo]; [Area de Trabajo]@row); 0) > 60); LEFT([Area de Trabajo]@row; 2) + "4";

    IF(AND(COUNTIF([Area de Trabajo]:[Area de Trabajo]; [Area de Trabajo]@row) > 40; MATCH(RUT@row; COLLECT(RUT:RUT; [Area de Trabajo]:[Area de Trabajo]; [Area de Trabajo]@row); 0) > 40); LEFT([Area de Trabajo]@row; 2) + "3";

    IF(AND(COUNTIF([Area de Trabajo]:[Area de Trabajo]; [Area de Trabajo]@row) > 20; MATCH(RUT@row; COLLECT(RUT:RUT; [Area de Trabajo]:[Area de Trabajo]; [Area de Trabajo]@row); 0) > 20); LEFT([Area de Trabajo]@row; 2) + "2";

    LEFT([Area de Trabajo]@row; 2) + "1")));


    In this case I have 50 names in one area so it is splited into 3 lists.

    best regards,

    Antonio Medina Mora

  • Moderator

    Hi @compartido.tactic,

    I believe some screenshots of your environment would be of great help to help clarifying what is the intended result for each of your formulas as I wouldn't expect the formulas you provided to return contacts but just sequences of characters according to the "value_if_true" arguments in your IF formula.

    Please make sure to hide any sensitive information that you wouldn't like to be shared.



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