how can I flag column "UMW QTY (BOXES)" if its less than "UWM MIN IN STORE QTY"?

also need to flag "TNM QTY (BOXES)" if its less than "TNM MIN IN STORE QTY" and "TMP QTY (BOXES)" if its less than "TNP MIN IN STORE QTY".

I tried using a helper column with the IF/OR formula but that's not working and I can choose the symbol using conditional formatting. what am I doing wrong?


  • =Chris Palmer
    =Chris Palmer Community Champion
    edited 09/01/22

    Hello @NikkiOno

    I was able achieve this by using a formula and conditional formatting together.

    First I added a "STATUS" Column with Symbol Type in the column properties..

    Inside the "STATUS" Column, I placed a formula shown in my screen shot below:

    =IF([UMW QTY (BOXES)]@row > [UWM MIN IN STORE QTY]@row, "Red", "")

    In addition, I added a Conditional Format shown in my screen shot here:

    If STATUS is 'Red' then apply this format to the UMW QTY (BOXES) column

    Then you can hide the "STATUS" column if you don't want it visible in your sheet.

    You can continue to modify the formula to suit your other needs, using different colors for anything else you want flagged in the conditional format to distinguish them better.

    I hope you found this helpful!

  • NikkiOno
    NikkiOno ✭✭✭✭


    thanks for helping me try to figure this out. it works if i only need to do it for UWM, but i need to do it for TNM and TNP as well. when I add in another IF, it doesn't work.

    =IF([UWM QTY (BOXES)]@row > [UWM MIN IN STORE QTY (BOXES)]@row, "Red", ""), IF([TNM QTY (BOXES)]@row >[TNM MIN IN STORE QTY (BOXES)]@row, "Red","")

  • =Chris Palmer
    =Chris Palmer Community Champion
    edited 09/01/22

    Try creating a "STATUS" column, one for each "Status UMW", "Status TNM", "Status TMP"

    Then having an IF Formula for each status, and conditional format.

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