formula to calculate how many years have passed since start date

This discussion was created from comments split from: Calculating years of service.


  • jcouncil
    jcouncil ✭✭✭✭

    I have a sheet that I'm tracking contract start dates on, and want to use a formula to calculate how many years have passed since start date of formula to show length of partnership. Here is my sheet. Any formula guidance would be greatly appreciated!

  • Hi @jcouncil

    As long as the "Contract Start Date" column is a Date column, you can subtract "Today's Date" from that date to find out the number of days between Today and then:

    =[Contract Start Date]@row - TODAY()

    Then once you have the number of days, you can divide this by 365 to find out the Years:

    =([Contract Start Date]@row - TODAY()) / 365

    See: Use Formulas to Perform Calculations With Dates and TODAY Function

    Let me know if this makes sense and works for you.



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