How can I apply this formula to the entire column?


I can't seem to apply this formula to the entire column. it tells me that the column syntax formula isn't quite right.

=IF([Closed Date]1 = "", TODAY() - [Entry Date]1, [Closed Date]1 - [Entry Date]1)

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    hey @2JZGTE

    With the specific row number given in your formula, you cannot use this formula, as written, in a column formula. Do you need to specifically refer to row #1, or is that just the row you are currently sitting on, and you wish row #2 to display row #2 data?

    If you want the formula to cascade down the sheet and reflect the current row number for that row, you need to use the @row function. Note this is case sensitive - it is written as lower case. This function says use the current row and is the preferred way to designate row numbers.

    =IF([Closed Date]@row="", TODAY()-[Entry Date]@row, [Closed Date]@row - [Entry Date]@row)

    If you do need to specifically reference your row #1, let me know. There may be other ways to write the formula.



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    hey @2JZGTE

    With the specific row number given in your formula, you cannot use this formula, as written, in a column formula. Do you need to specifically refer to row #1, or is that just the row you are currently sitting on, and you wish row #2 to display row #2 data?

    If you want the formula to cascade down the sheet and reflect the current row number for that row, you need to use the @row function. Note this is case sensitive - it is written as lower case. This function says use the current row and is the preferred way to designate row numbers.

    =IF([Closed Date]@row="", TODAY()-[Entry Date]@row, [Closed Date]@row - [Entry Date]@row)

    If you do need to specifically reference your row #1, let me know. There may be other ways to write the formula.


  • 2JZGTE
    2JZGTE ✭✭

    @kelly906 Thank you for your help! It was exactly what I needed, I needed a formula that could work for the entire row on a column. Many Thanks!

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭

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