I am trying to write a formula that will count if a specific word is mentioned in a formula.

I am trying to write a formula that will count if a specific word is mentioned in a formula.

=COUNTIF([Queue Name]:[Queue Name], "*INBOUND*")

It returns zero with or without the "*" in the quotes. I know this works in Excel, but not sure how to make it work in smart sheets. The column will have words in front of or behind the word I am looking to count, INBOUND.

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @NCH

    The CONTAINS function looks to see if a text string appears anywhere within a cell, effectively as if there were wild cards around the string.

    =COUNTIFS([Queue Name]:[Queue Name], CONTAINS("INBOUND", @cell))

    Does this work for you?



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