Two Dates, one independent and one dependent in one cell?

Does anyone know how or if I could create a dependent date based on an independent date in the same cell?

I don't think this would work and may have to create a different column dependent on the independent date.

The scenario is say meeting A is the independent date, Meeting B is a prep for Meeting A, which will take place a week beforehand. I believe I saw a forum on this setup already, but it looked like you needed to create a separate column for day, month year. I was wondering if I could do this all in one column (so it looks like a date range in calendar view), or two separate columns so each date can be represented separately in calendar view.

My main aim for this question is to see if there is a way to cut down on the number of cells to represent dependent date formulas.

Here is a link to the original forum I found

Thanks for any input and help!


Best Answer

  • Toufong Vang
    Toufong Vang ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi, @kgibson

    If I understood you correctly, then the simplest approach would be to subtract 7 days from the meeting date. For example, the date of the prep meeting, Meeting B, would be = [Meeting A]@row - 7 . The assumption being that Meeting A is exclusively a date column type.

    Hope this helped.



  • Toufong Vang
    Toufong Vang ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi, @kgibson

    If I understood you correctly, then the simplest approach would be to subtract 7 days from the meeting date. For example, the date of the prep meeting, Meeting B, would be = [Meeting A]@row - 7 . The assumption being that Meeting A is exclusively a date column type.

    Hope this helped.


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