Good afternoon. after getting some rude comments, I am re-asking this questions. I have a Calculation sheet that I do all my calculations on as they are tied to a Dashboard. On this Calc Sheet, I want to count data in a column on my Summary Data Sheet.

Goal: to count cells in the Summary Data Sheet, from the Contract Status Column, that only contain either "CW Reviewing/Negotiating" or "#No Match". (Yes I know that is an error that is being thrown but that is ok. That shows me there are no transactions in this column for those locations, so I am ok with that error being there. I just need to be able to count it.

Starting with below but getting "#unparseable"

=COUNTIFS({Summary Data Contract Status 2}:{Summary Data Contract Status 2}, "CW Reviewing/Negotiating", {Summary Data Contract Status 2}:{Summary Data Contract Status 2}, "#NO MATCH")


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    Try this:

    =COUNTIFS({Summary Data Contract Status 2}, OR(@cell = "CW Reviewing/Negotiating", ISERROR(@cell))

    We may end up needing to try something a little different as the error may pull through. If that is the case, then try this one:

    =COUNTIFS({Summary Data Contract Status 2}, OR(@cell = "CW Reviewing/Negotiating", IFERROR(@cell, "!") = "!"))

    If that still doesn't work, then you will need to adjust the formula on the source sheet to remove the error and then we can adjust the COUNTIFS to accommodate the source sheet adjustment.

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