Assistance - Adding a year criteria to SUMIF formula.

The below formula has been working great but I now was to add a criteria that the date column also needs to be in year 2022. I am not sure how best to go about doing this. Any help would be much appreciated.

=SUMIF({Sheet - THE Master Range 1}, CONTAINS("E - Quote Accepted", @cell), {Sheet - THE Master Range 2}) + SUMIF({Sheet - THE Master Range 1}, CONTAINS("J - Sent MSA to Client", @cell), {Sheet - THE Master Range 2}) + SUMIF({Sheet - THE Master Range 1}, CONTAINS("K - Paperwork Completed -> OPS", @cell), {Sheet - THE Master Range 2}) + SUMIF({Sheet - THE Master Range 1}, CONTAINS("L - Post Event", @cell), {Sheet - THE Master Range 2}) + SUMIF({Sheet - THE Master Range 1}, CONTAINS("M - Completed", @cell), {Sheet - THE Master Range 2})


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