Average % Complete calculation

HI all,

I need advice on the % average calculation at parent level.I’m finding a discrepancy in the average % indicated at parent level.

Here is the case, I’m finding a discrepancy in the average % indicated at parent level.

Here in the column % Complete, the Row 877-Test0 is having two indents Test 1 with 50% and Test 2 with 20%. Both averaging to 35% {(50+20)/2}. But at the Parent level Test0 its indicating 30% instead of 35%, this is calculated by Smartsheet.

Can you anyone advise how the average is coming as 30%?


  • Hi Vikas

    I've had this problem in the past. The 30% result is based on the sum of Test 1: 2 daysx50%, and Test 2: 4 daysx20% divided by the total duration of Test 1+2 (6 days).

    This happens when dependencies are enabled through the Gantt chart settings. If you disable dependencies, the avg formula should return a 35%.

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