Count Created Date within last month

Hi All,

I want to use the formula in the Sheet Summary in my smartsheet to count the created date column for last month.

I have tried the formula but it always return to 0; however, looking through the date I have 3 created last month.

=COUNTIF([Date Created]:[Date Created], MONTH(TODAY())-1)

Since I have 1 parent row with 6 children row (all 7 rows have the same created date). How can I eliminated the duplicate count. Is there anyway I can just count the parent row create date?

Thank you


  • Emi
    Emi ✭✭

    I tried the other formula and is working now. The formula provided me the row I create for last month.

    =COUNTIFS([Date Created]:[Date Created], ISDATE(@cell), [Date Created]:[Date Created], MONTH(@cell) = MONTH(TODAY()) - 1)

    Where can I add the criteria for only counting the parent row within this formula?

    Thank you

  • Hi @Emi

    To do this I would add a Helper Column in your sheet so you can identify the Parent rows with a formula (you can Hide this column after):

    =IF(COUNT(DESCENDANTS([Primary Column]@row)) > 0, "Parent", "Child")

    See: DESCENDANTS Function

    Then you can add the helper column in your Sheet Summary formula:

    =COUNTIFS([Date Created]:[Date Created], ISDATE(@cell), [Date Created]:[Date Created], MONTH(@cell) = MONTH(TODAY()) - 1, [Helper Column]:[Helper Column], "Parent")



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