Barcode or QR Code Auto-Adjust Inventory

TylerZ ✭✭✭
edited 11/15/22 in Formulas and Functions


Is there a way in SmartSheet that I can have the staff in our clinic scan a barcode or QR code for one of our consumables and have the inventory AUTOMATICALLY adjust down 1? I know it is possible to scan a barcode and then edit the cells automatically but this has it's own problems.

The issue I need to eliminate is staff having to do math when removing inventory. I solved this in Excel by creating a macro. Three columns. Current, Adjustment, New. The staff enter the adjustment value (i.e. I took 3 syringes) and then clicks the button and it copies the new values into the current inventory as a new baseline qty on hand.

I prefer to use SmartSheet because I have an automation to copy the row every time it is adjusted in order to create usage reports.



Best Regards

Tyler Ziomkowski

Sr. Project Manager, BAMF Health


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