Referencing multiple sheets

Desertbird ✭✭
edited 11/20/22 in Formulas and Functions


I currently am looking for a solution to the below sheets, any help would be appreciated!

I have an assignment sheet that has a ticket number column, batch column and assignee column. Each person has their own sheet to update the result (hidden column also shows the batch number). I am trying to find a way to build a chart with the total of the batch, including ones not assigned yet. Basically I need it to show the total numbers (assigned and unassigned) and need it to refer to all the individual sheets, looking for the result. Is there a way to do this without using the reports (chart can't be built in the reports).

Is there a hidden column I can add to refer to the ticket, and check all the individual sheets for a result? From that I should be able to build a chart. From what I've seen, vlookup is limited to 1 sheet reference.

Any help on this is welcome!


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