Trying to count the same status from two sheets - Getting unparssable error

=COUNTIFS([Engagement Phase]:[Engagement Phase],CONTAINS ("DIAGNOSTIC (CALL SETUP)”,@cell), {DoD Status}, CONTAINS ("DIAGNOSTIC (CALL SETUP)”,@cell))

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hey @keesuri25

    If you're looking at two different sheets, you'll want to use two separate formulas, then add them together with th + sign.

    For example:

    =COUNTIFS(formula sheet 1) + COUNTIFS(forumla sheet 2)

    I also noticed you have some quotes which are angled, like so: ” instead of ". Smartsheet will need the quotes to be straight up and down: " not ”. Try typing them right into the cell, this will make sure it's the right type of quote!

    Here's how I would adjust your formula:

    =COUNTIFS([Engagement Phase]:[Engagement Phase], CONTAINS("DIAGNOSTIC (CALL SETUP)", @cell)) + COUNTIFS({DoD Status}, CONTAINS("DIAGNOSTIC (CALL SETUP)", @cell))



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