How can I apply parent formulas to new parent rows added?


I have added new parent rows (with child rows) into my sheet as new jobs are created. Even though the child rows are populated with data, the formulas in my original parent rows did not apply to the new parent rows. Is there a way to have those auto populate to a parent row as they are added or do I just need to copy and paste all formulas?

Column formula doesn't work because then it deletes the child data when applied.


  • ericncarr
    ericncarr ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 12/07/22

    @Anne77 - The way I would solve for this is:

    1. Put the data for your child rows in a separate column
    2. Create a column that determines if a row is a parent row or a child row: =COUNT(CHILDREN([Primary Column]@row))
    3. I can't say what you would put for the formula without knowing what your parent rows are doing but then you can do an if calculation so that if the row is a parent (the parent column value is greater than 0), it does whatever you need parents to do, else it grabs the value from the data column for the child rows.
  • Anne77
    Anne77 ✭✭
    edited 12/07/22

    The parent is pulling up MIN(CHILDREN()) AND MAX(CHILDREN()) for dates per line in the child grouping and then pulling up assigned to from child rows. I'm not sure your suggestion will work since I'm pulling up the values in the column beneath where I want the data populated (formula applied).

    I just want that MIN/MAX formula to apply to new parent rows created.

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