Sum Costs From Reference Sheet

I'm trying to collect the total costs on a sheet from another sheet with a particular id "JD 41195". The main sheet has all of our equipment, the other sheet has all the costs submitted from forms. I want to add all those costs together and have them in a single cell on my main sheet. Thanks

=INDEX(({Equipment R&M Range 1}:{Equipment R&M Range 1}, MATCH(“JD 41195”, {Equipment R&M Range 2}:{Equipment R&M Range 2}, 0))

I've tried a few other ways such as SUMIF SUMIFS and got #UNPARSEABLE

Best Answer

  • Dale Murphy
    Dale Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @cdiscoe You should be able to use a sum function with a collect function inside it

    (Yes, today seems to be a collect kind of day)

    =SUM(COLLECT({Equipment range 2}, {Equipment range 1}, ="JD 41195"))

    *Replace {Equipment range 2} with what ever range holds your costs. I imagine the other sheet has a column of equipment ids and a column of associated costs beside those ids.



  • Dale Murphy
    Dale Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @cdiscoe You should be able to use a sum function with a collect function inside it

    (Yes, today seems to be a collect kind of day)

    =SUM(COLLECT({Equipment range 2}, {Equipment range 1}, ="JD 41195"))

    *Replace {Equipment range 2} with what ever range holds your costs. I imagine the other sheet has a column of equipment ids and a column of associated costs beside those ids.


  • Thanks. That worked for me. Appreciate the quick reply

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