Webhook subscopes


When you specify a list of columnIds as the "subscope" for a webhook, what does that mean? Will you still get events for changes to the sheet, attachments, row order, etc..... things that aren't really relevant to a particular column, but filter out events on cells in that column or changes to the column itself? Or will all changes not relevant to a column also be filtered out? I couldn't find clarity about this in the documentation.

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @sgolux

    Defining a subscope of specific columns means that the webhook is only subscribed to those specific columns.

    That means that events outside of those columns or not relevant to those columns (eg. an attachment, a change in a different column) will be filtered out and will not fire the webhook.

    1. A webhook with no subscope will be triggered for any change to its sheet.
    2. A webhook with a subscope will be triggered if the change matches the subscope.
    3. A webhook with a subscope will not be triggered if the change doesn't match the subscope.

    The exception to this is if a row is deleted: this will always send a "row.deleted" event even if the relevant ColumnID defined in the subscope was blank for that row. (See: Webhook Scope & Events)




  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @sgolux

    Defining a subscope of specific columns means that the webhook is only subscribed to those specific columns.

    That means that events outside of those columns or not relevant to those columns (eg. an attachment, a change in a different column) will be filtered out and will not fire the webhook.

    1. A webhook with no subscope will be triggered for any change to its sheet.
    2. A webhook with a subscope will be triggered if the change matches the subscope.
    3. A webhook with a subscope will not be triggered if the change doesn't match the subscope.

    The exception to this is if a row is deleted: this will always send a "row.deleted" event even if the relevant ColumnID defined in the subscope was blank for that row. (See: Webhook Scope & Events)



  • sgolux
    sgolux ✭✭

    Awesome, thanks!