trying to copy a row to a different sheet but copy goes to bottom of existing sheet

Can some sheets have a different name than that displayed. Had an issue with indexing as well. Selected another sheet but when displayed in the formula it showed the name of a different sheet. Could it have something to do with creating a new sheet from a copy of another?


  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    You should be able to name sheets the exact same thing in separate locations and be able to copy row to the other sheet. You've probably chosen the sheet you're in by mistake when trying to copy row to the other sheet...which is why it's best practice not to name sheets the exact same thing.

  • No two files with same name. If you look at screen shot attached you can see I selected a sheet named Braden's Project List. Name of current file is SKFB Projects.

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Make sure you've refreshed the browser window for the sheet. Sometimes SmartSheet can be using cached info instead of what's current in their system. If refreshing doesn't help, open a ticket with SmartSheet Support for this problem.

  • Thanks Mike but that didn't help. I'll go ahead and contact support. Thank you!

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