errorCode: 5636, "message": You have reached the cell limit of 500,000 cells for this sheet.


Hello Community,

I am trying to automate dataflow from excel to Smartsheet using Python. The excel has 12000+ rows and 42 Columns. The Python script was able to transfer 11000+ rows successfully, but then throwing these errors:

ERROR:smartsheet.smartsheet:{"response": {"statusCode": 400, "reason": "Bad Request", "content": {"errorCode": 5636, "message": "You have reached the cell limit of 500,000 cells for this sheet. You won't be able to add more than 500,000 cells in this sheet. Contact us at <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> for any help.", "refId": "...}}}.

Any help?



Best Answer

  • Darren Mullen
    Darren Mullen ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Devi The error message is telling you what you need to know... There are hard cell limits for each sheet, so you'd need to find a way to either manage the data some other way, or limit the data going into the sheet.

    I ran into a similar situation when writing a program to write thousands of rows into a sheet. In that scenario I was able to have the script check for older rows that were no longer needed and delete them from the sheet before adding new rows.

    Another alternative is to contact Smartsheet support. They may be able to raise the limit on a case by case basis... But there will still be a limit.


  • Darren Mullen
    Darren Mullen ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Devi The error message is telling you what you need to know... There are hard cell limits for each sheet, so you'd need to find a way to either manage the data some other way, or limit the data going into the sheet.

    I ran into a similar situation when writing a program to write thousands of rows into a sheet. In that scenario I was able to have the script check for older rows that were no longer needed and delete them from the sheet before adding new rows.

    Another alternative is to contact Smartsheet support. They may be able to raise the limit on a case by case basis... But there will still be a limit.