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Deleting a Report Item also deletes it in the Sheet?

Alex Xu
Alex Xu
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I came across an interesting interaction today while editing a report. When I went to delete an item off of the report, the item itself also disappeared from the sheet that it was associated with. Is there any way I can retrieve that information and have it back on the sheet but not the report?


  • JLC
    JLC ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Alex, reports don't hold any "unique" data but simply pull data in from another sheet(s). Any modifications you make in the report will reflect in the sheet as well, including deletions. What exactly did you delete - a cell or a row? If it was a cell, you should be able to right-click and select "View Cell History..." to view what was there before deletion. If it was a row, I'm not sure - hopefully someone else can answer with a solution if so.

    In the future, just remember that the reports are simply pulling in information from other sheets that you've selected. If you modify the report, you are modifying the sheet as well :)

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