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Unable to Modify End Date in Report

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have a report in which I want the stakeholders to be able to update the start and end dates that are used for resource scheduling on the report and not the Smartsheet with all the raw data.

We can modify the start date but not the end date.  Is there something preventing this from happening?  I cannot change it either as admin and owner of the report.




  • dmw

    We discovered the problem.  It was a milestone and it locked out the end date.  When we saved and exited the report it would then reflect the start date.

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Good to know. The other thing that keep an end date from being edited is a dependency to that particular item. If there is a child to that row, then it would prevent the end date from being adjusted.  

  • David_Um
    David_Um ✭✭✭

    I have a similar issue where I can't adjust the end date of even the lowest level of item in a report.

    It looks like if you have Dependencies Enabled on your sheet, one cannot edit the End Date values in a report since the end date is calculated by a formula (start date + duration). However, they can edit the Duration value if shared and not locked in the report.

    Am I interpreting this situation correctly? If I want a user to be able to edit end dates in a report of their deliverables, I have to do either of the following:

    - Turn off "Dependencies Enabled" in the Project Settings

    - Add the "Duration" column to the report so that the end user can manually adjust the duration until the desired end date is entered. (This is not a desirable solution, but I don't see another option.)

    I feel certain there has to be an easier solution or something obvious I am missing here. Any thoughts, Smartsheet Community?

  • David_Um
    David_Um ✭✭✭

    Can anyone confirm or correct my understanding? Is it correct?

    If I want a user to be able to edit end dates in a report of their deliverables, I have to do either of the following:

    - Turn off "Dependencies Enabled" in the Project Settings

    - Add the "Duration" column to the report so that the end user can manually adjust the duration until the desired end date is entered. (This is not a desirable solution, but I don't see another option.)

  • Doug M
    Doug M ✭✭

    Bump, same issue.  We need dependencies in sheets but also need the users to be able to change the dates in a report!?


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