Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Calendar view


anyone know why are the filters greyed out on calendar view when using the app ?

New to this so wondered if i'm doing something wrong.


Best Answer


  • Hi @Duncan Titmarsh,

    All users with access to a sheet should be able to apply Filters regardless of the view they're working in (Grid View, Calendar View, etc). If you're working on a sheet that you own or one that someone has shared with you, the option to apply filters should be available. If this isn't what you're experiencing or if you're only seeing that filters are grayed out in the Calendar View of a sheet, I highly recommend creating a Support ticket to have the Support Team investigate this behavior. You can create a Support ticket via

    I hope this helps!



  • Thanks Ben

    So what your saying is that what is in the pic should not be happening ?

    Where the filter is greyed out,this only happens with the calendar view.


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