Use Status change to create a child record


Hello community,

We are working on a new process flow for developers. Each row would be a project and as they move the project through different stage(Column) it would create different subtasks(Child records) to each stage. I don't want to allow them to change the stage until they have completed the subtasks for the stage they are in. Struggling on the auto create of the child records based on stage.


  • Sean Morgan

    Hello @Jeffrey Sbonik ,

    As of now, there is no direct method to automatically creating new rows based on a change within the Sheet.

    If possible, please can you create an Enhancement Request for this awesome idea using the Quick Links on the right hand side of this page.

    Although I'm unable to fully confirm, this may be possible with a 3rd application like Zapier.

    Let me know if you have any questions!



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