"OR" function in formulas



I just tried this formula, basically I am trying to have certain conditions set, and would like to use an or function for the catch basin, grassed area and roadway function.

=COUNTIFS({Environmental Incident Tracking Range 4}, "1", {Environmental Incident Tracking Range 5}, =(2020), {Environmental Incident Tracking Range 6}, <(20), {Environmental Incident Tracking Range 9}, "Catch basin / Bassin de récupération", {Environmental Incident Tracking Range 9}, "Grassed area / Zone gazonnée", {Environmental Incident Tracking Range 9}, "Roadway / Chaussée")

If it is quarter 1, the year 2020, range 6 is less than 20.. and range 9 has Catch basin, grassed area OR Roadway checked, count one


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