Children reporting to parent - Checkbox and checking status


Hi guys!

I'm having a hard time figuring this out.

I've tried to copy and edit all the formulas in this forum, so now I'm just asking the pro's.

Two questions:

  1. I need to have the cell marked 1. on the picture check the children cells. If they are S5 it shoud say S5. If it's not (S0, S2...) it should say 0 (or blank). Mark nr. 2. should say S5 in this example.
  2. Mark 3. I would like to follow the children checkboxes. So that when all the children checkboxes(Red arrow) is checked, the parent one will automatically be checked.

I know this is simple. And I have done it before. But I'm going mad trying to remember.


Regards Rune


  • David Joyeuse
    David Joyeuse ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Rune Østerhus


    1: Use this formula:

    =IF(COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(), "S5")>=1, "S5", 0)

    2: You need that:


    Hope it helped!

  • Rune Østerhus

    Hi David!

    Thanks for the try. But it did not quite do the trick, I'm affraid.

    See the screenshots.

    1. It recognizes the S5's. But turn the parent cell to S5 as soon as one of the children changes to S5. I need it to tell me when all the children are S5.
    2. "Incorrect argument set" is the feedback I get from this formula.

    And this leaves me as lost as I was :)

    Any more ideas? Or someone else want to try?


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