Can I nest more than one SUMIF


I am trying to create a SUMIF that will evaluate three options from drop down column and return a reduced percentage sum from within another column on the same sheet.

Drop down Column - Affected Customer Impact Risk

Options - Low Impact Risk (25%), Moderate Impact Risk (50%) or High Impact Risk (90%)

Take the total amount from the # of Accounts Affected and return a reduced value total.

=SUMIF([Affected Customer Impact Risk]@row, ="Low Impact Risk (25%)", [# of Accounts Affected]@row * 0.25, SUMIF([Affected Customer Impact Risk]@row, ="Moderate Impact Risk (50%)", [# of Accounts Affected]@row * 0.5, =SUMIF([Affected Customer Impact Risk]@row, ="High Impact Risk (90%)", [# of Accounts Affected]@row * 0.9)))

I have tried using the SUMIFS as well as an OR operator but it will not calculate more than one at a time.


  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Witherwax ,


    =(SUMIF([# of Accounts Affected]:[# of Accounts Affected], [Affected Customer Impact Risk]:[Affected Customer Impact Risk], @cell="Low Impact Risk (25%)")* 0.25)+(SUMIF([# of Accounts Affected]:[# of Accounts Affected], [Affected Customer Impact Risk]:[Affected Customer Impact Risk], @cell="Moderate Impact Risk (50%)")* 0.5)+(SUMIF([# of Accounts Affected]:[# of Accounts Affected], [Affected Customer Impact Risk]:[Affected Customer Impact Risk], @cell="High Impact Risk (90%)")* 0.9)



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  • Witherwax

    It is still giving me an #INVALIDOPERATION Error with this formula.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Mark Cronk You used the SUMIFS syntax with a SUMIF function.

    @Witherwax Give this a go...

    =(SUMIFS([# of Accounts Affected]:[# of Accounts Affected], [Affected Customer Impact Risk]:[Affected Customer Impact Risk], @cell="Low Impact Risk (25%)")* 0.25)+(SUMIFS([# of Accounts Affected]:[# of Accounts Affected], [Affected Customer Impact Risk]:[Affected Customer Impact Risk], @cell="Moderate Impact Risk (50%)")* 0.5)+(SUMIFS([# of Accounts Affected]:[# of Accounts Affected], [Affected Customer Impact Risk]:[Affected Customer Impact Risk], @cell="High Impact Risk (90%)")* 0.9)

  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks @Paul Newcome !


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  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Mark Cronk Haha. No worries. I've done it quite a few times and then spent way more time than I should have looking everywhere else for the problem.

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