How do I apply a formula to an entire column?


I have a data sheet with a column labeled "DUE DATE". When someone submits a form I want the due date to automatically update to be two days from date of submission. I have it auto populating to current date, and know the formula to get it to add two days, but can't figure out how to apply the formula to the column so that it auto populates adding the two additional days.

Best Answer

  • Streamline Technology
    Answer ✓

    Hi Taylor,

    It sounds like the existing column should be "submitted date" and you could need another column for "due date." Once created, add the formula and right-click on a cell that contains a formula, and select "convert to column formula."


  • Streamline Technology
    Answer ✓

    Hi Taylor,

    It sounds like the existing column should be "submitted date" and you could need another column for "due date." Once created, add the formula and right-click on a cell that contains a formula, and select "convert to column formula."

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