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IF formula with multiple conditions

Hi! I am trying to create a risk register template and would like to have the columns: 'Impact', 'Likelihood', and 'Risk Score'. The Impact and Likelihood columns will be user selected input from a drop down menu, where the options are 'Low', 'Medium', and 'High'. I would like the 'Risk Score' column to then populate based on the input in the Impact and Likelihood columns. This then becomes a matrix with 9 potential outcomes. Examples: (where Impact x Likelihood = Score), Low x Low = Low; Low x Medium = Low; Low x High = Medium; Medium x Low = Medium; Medium x Medium = Medium; and so on.

I've made it as far as writing an IF statement that gives me 'Low x Low = Low' [=IF(AND(Impact@row = "Low", Likelihood@row = "Low"), "Low")]. I've not been successful at adding any additional outputs to the equation.

Please let me know where I am going wrong! Or let me know if there is a better way to do this than using an IF equation.

Thanks so much, Karen

Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/24/21 Answer ✓



    =IF(AND(Impact@row = "Low", Likelihood@row = "high"), "medium", IF(AND(Impact@row = "high", Likelihood@row = "Low"), "medium", IF(OR(Impact@row = "High", Likelihood@row = "High"), "High", IF(OR(Impact@row = "Medium", Likelihood@row = "Medium"), "Medium", "Low"))))



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  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/24/21 Answer ✓



    =IF(AND(Impact@row = "Low", Likelihood@row = "high"), "medium", IF(AND(Impact@row = "high", Likelihood@row = "Low"), "medium", IF(OR(Impact@row = "High", Likelihood@row = "High"), "High", IF(OR(Impact@row = "Medium", Likelihood@row = "Medium"), "Medium", "Low"))))



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  • Thank you Mark! It worked, but I had to change the OR statements to AND statements. I was able to build out the additional scenarios. I think part of my original problem was not getting the right number of end brackets at the end of the equation. Thanks so much for your help!!


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Excellent. Glad you found a solution. Please accept an answer to close it the discussion. Thank you for contributing to the Community.


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  • ✭✭✭

    Hy @Mark Cronk

    Could you please solve one of my problems? Here is a snapshot of what I'm doing.

    =IF(AND([Supplier Tender Date]@row > [Shipment Date (Actual) (To Warehouse)]@row, [Shipment Date (Actual) (To Site)]@row, "Shipment On Time", IF([Supplier Tender Date]@row < [Shipment Date (Actual) (To Warehouse)]@row, [Shipment Date (Actual) (To Site)]@row, "Shipment Late")))

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