Using decision symbols: Yes, No & Hold


Hi all,

Understand that this has probably been answered before however I can't quite find the solution I need and have spent a little too long trying to get this sorted.

I need to display Yes, No or Hold symbols with the following parameters:

  • If [Status@row] is equal to "Submitted" or "In-Progress" and [Created@row] (date) is less than [Expected completion date@row] then display Hold
  • If [Status@row] is equal to "Resolved" and [Created@row] (date) is less than [Expected completion date@row] then display Yes
  • If [Status@row] is equal to "Resolved" and [Created@row] (date) is more than [Expected completion date@row] then display No
  • If [Status@row] is equal to "Disputed" and [Created@row] (date) is less than [Expected completion date@row] then display Hold
  • If [Status@row] is equal to "Disputed" and [Created@row] (date) is more than [Expected completion date@row] then display Hold

Unsure how to make my formula work with so many parameters or if it is even possible.

Thank you in advance 😊

Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Assuming that you only have 4 options for Status (Submitted, In-Progress, Resolved, and Disputed), we can actually simplify the formula a bit based on your exact criteria listed above.

    =IF(Status@row = "Disputed", "Hold", IF(Created@row < [Expected Completion Date]@row, IF(Status@row = "Resolved", "Yes", "Hold"), IF(Status@row = "Resolved", "No")))

    The only two things I see unaccounted for (maybe it isn't a possibility) would be where the Created date is greater than the Expected Completion Date and the Status is either "Submitted" or "In-Progress". The formulas above would output a blank for both of those scenarios.


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