Formulas and Functions

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Auto Flag a row for Multiple Conditions


I need to auto flag a row if any of the dropdown in the RAIDD column is selected. (extra D is for Decision)

=IF(RAIDD@row = "Risk", 1, 0)

This formulae works and flag the row. However, how do I get others added like Assumption, Issue, Dependency, Decision

=IF(RAIDD@row = "Risk", "Dependency","Issue" 1, 0).......This isnt working

Please help

Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You could do a nested IF statement. For example:

    =IF(RAIDD@row = "Risk",1,IF(RAIDD@row = "Assumption",1,IF(RAIDD@row = "Issue",1,IF(RAIDD@row = "Dependency",1,IF(RAIDD@row = "Decision",1,0)))))

    Alternatively, search for a blank value and finding anything else, assume true. For example:



  • ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You could do a nested IF statement. For example:

    =IF(RAIDD@row = "Risk",1,IF(RAIDD@row = "Assumption",1,IF(RAIDD@row = "Issue",1,IF(RAIDD@row = "Dependency",1,IF(RAIDD@row = "Decision",1,0)))))

    Alternatively, search for a blank value and finding anything else, assume true. For example:


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