Cross-Sheet Formula SUMIFS returning #UNPARSEABLE



I'm running into a weird error with a Summary Budget Top Sheet I'm trying to build. I have two sheets. One summary budget top sheet and one expense log sheet. The summary sheet lists all the expenses types available on the expense log and I am trying to create SUMIFS to group together specific types of expenses on the Top Sheet.

I tested the follow SUMIF formula on the expense log sheet and it works correctly.

=SUMIFS(Amount:Amount, [Expense Category]:[Expense Category], "Personnel", [Hiring Status]:[Hiring Status], "Freelance", Department:Department, "Editorial/Production", Position:Position, "Editor", [Payment Status]:[Payment Status], "Actual")

However when I try to copy this formula to the TOP SHEET with a reference to the EXPENSE LOG it returns #UNPARSEABLE.

=SUMIFS({Test Expense Log Range 1}(Amount, [Expense Category]:[Expense Category], "Personnel", [Hiring Status]:[Hiring Status], "Freelance", Department:Department, "Editorial/Production", Position:Position, "Editor", [Payment Status]:[Payment Status], "Actual"))

Am I missing a punctuation mark of some sort to get this to return correctly?

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Jonathan Rinkerman

    You called it! You're missing a comma after the first cross-sheet range, and there seems to be some floating text in there ("Amount") left over from your previous formula.

    Additionally, if you're using a cross-sheet range instead of an in-sheet column range, you'll need to update every single range to also look at the other sheet.

    For example, you have

    [Expense Category]:[Expense Category], "Personnel"

    This would need to be:

    {Expense Category in Expense Log sheet}, "Personnel"

    Try something like this instead:

    =SUMIFS({Test Expense Log Range 1}, {Expense Category in other sheet}, "Personnel", {Hiring Status in other sheet}, "Freelance", {Department in other sheet}, "Editorial/Production", {Position in other sheet}, "Editor", {Payment Status in other sheet}, "Actual")

    Does that make sense? See: Formulas: Reference Data from Other Sheets

    If you still need help, it would be useful to see a screen capture of each sheet, but please block out sensitive data.




  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Jonathan Rinkerman

    You called it! You're missing a comma after the first cross-sheet range, and there seems to be some floating text in there ("Amount") left over from your previous formula.

    Additionally, if you're using a cross-sheet range instead of an in-sheet column range, you'll need to update every single range to also look at the other sheet.

    For example, you have

    [Expense Category]:[Expense Category], "Personnel"

    This would need to be:

    {Expense Category in Expense Log sheet}, "Personnel"

    Try something like this instead:

    =SUMIFS({Test Expense Log Range 1}, {Expense Category in other sheet}, "Personnel", {Hiring Status in other sheet}, "Freelance", {Department in other sheet}, "Editorial/Production", {Position in other sheet}, "Editor", {Payment Status in other sheet}, "Actual")

    Does that make sense? See: Formulas: Reference Data from Other Sheets

    If you still need help, it would be useful to see a screen capture of each sheet, but please block out sensitive data.



  • Jonathan Rinkerman

    That worked! I had to do references to each column. I ended up renaming the references to make the code a little easier to follow.

    This is what the code I ended up using ended up looking like.

    =SUMIFS({Amount}, {Expense Category}, "Personnel", {Hiring Status}, "Freelance", {Department}, "Editorial/Production", {Position}, "Editor", {Payment Status}, "Actual")

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Looks good! I'm glad it worked for you!

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