Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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I want to calculate a Due Date based on a defined Frequency.

edited 10/27/21 in Formulas and Functions

Audit frequencies are Annually, Biennially or Triennially. I have used the following formula but I get the #UNPARSEABLE output.

=IF([Audit Frequency]@row=Biennially, "[Last Audit Date]@row+730", IF([Audit Frequency]@row=Triennially, "[Last Audit Date]@row+1095", IF([Audit Frequency]@row=Annually, "[Last Audit Date]@row+365", "N/A")))

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  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Doris F Try this.

    =IF([Audit Frequency]@row="Biennially", [Last Audit Date]@row+730, IF([Audit Frequency]@row="Triennially", [Last Audit Date]@row+1095, IF([Audit Frequency]@row="Annually", [Last Audit Date]@row+365, "N/A")))


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