One Project - Multiple Clients


I have one project where certain tasks are paid by one client and the remaining paid by a another.

Example: Data collection paid by Client A, Data Cleaning paid by Client B

How would I set this up so when the smartsheet project is linked to resource managment the allocations are assigned to the correct client /budgets?


  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @EVLevett

    In order for your Clients to be automatically assigned to your tasks in Resource Management via the Resource Management Panel, you'll want to ensure "Client A" and "Client B" are each either a valid managed user or Resource Management placeholder in the Assigned To column.

    To be a managed user, they would need to have an email address associated with your company's plan (ex. an unlicensed Member in your Smartsheet plan).

    There's a webinar on Resource Management here, if that helps!

