countifs from a multi-select to count two items


I have a multi-select field with 3 items (ex: A, B, C). I want to be able to get a count for 1) cells with A and B and 2) cells with all (a, b, c). Running into trouble.

I've tried: =COUNTIFS({acct type}, "Signed Account", {Product}, "Zonehaven" + COUNTIFS({acct type}, "Signed Account", {Product}, "GEM"))


  • Devin Lee
    Devin Lee ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @Tammi C

    Not clear what your a,b,c items are but I'm guessing it's the Zonehaven, GEM and some other item. You can alter the formulas below to get what you need.

    =COUNTIFS([acct type]:[acct type], "Signed Account", Product:Product, AND(HAS(@cell, "Zonehaven"), HAS(@cell, "GEM")))

    =COUNTIFS([acct type]:[acct type], "Signed Account", Product:Product, AND(HAS(@cell, "Zonehaven"), HAS(@cell, "GEM"), HAS(@cell, "C")))

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