Formulas and Functions

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How to copy part of a text into a Smartsheet ?



  • @David Tutwiler Hi David, we do require all the text from the first instance that DC is mentioned. The problem we seem to be having is that is does not know where to pull the text from.

  • Overachievers Alumni

    Based on the formula you posted a screenshot of, it is pulling the data from [Action Status]@row

  • @David Tutwiler OMG its actually starting to work.

    So what would i need to add to the existing formula to remove the unwanted text? i was thinking that if possible we could used the first open bracket. (JAN-18-22.

  • Overachievers Alumni
    Answer ✓

    Gotcha. If you want an end to the part that grabs the text, you will need to provide the position that the function needs to stop. Also, the function RIGHT is not the correct function anymore, as we're trying to find text in the middle of your block of text. Right now we just have the RIGHT function going all the way to the end.

    If you are going to use the first bracket after the DC is found (ie. [Jan...]), then you will need to inject another FIND function so you know what position that is in. You'll most likely need to feed it the position of the first DC again so that it knows to start AFTER you've found a DC. I think the formula should look something like this:

    (*note, in my test sheet my column is named Description. You will need to replace that row name with the row name on your sheet)

    =IF(FIND("Data Collection", Description@row) > 0, MID(Description@row, FIND("Data Collection", Description@row), FIND("[", Description@row, FIND("Data Collection", Description@row)) - FIND("Data Collection", Description@row)), IF(FIND("DC", Description@row) > 0, MID(Description@row, FIND("DC", Description@row), FIND("[", Description@row, FIND("DC", Description@row)) - FIND("DC", Description@row))))

  • @David Tutwiler thank you so much for your help this has made our team extremely happy and of course myself. So far it seems to be working perfectly. 😀

  • Overachievers Alumni

    Awesome! I'm glad to hear it's working.

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