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Auto Command based on RAG color displayed

Hello, I want an automated response based on RAG colors displayed. This perhaps by creating a nested formulla.-see attached.

If ResusTrolley/Cart is green, then comments should be "Excellent", otherwise "Needs updating". If Eyewash Station is green, then comments should be "Excellent", otherwise, "Needs updating"

Can any one assist with this formulla?

can this be achieved under one cell under Comments

Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    What will the Comments say if one is green and the other is blank or red?

    Put this in your Comments column, and you will see the problem.

    =IF(OR([Resus Trolley/Cart]@row = "green", [Eye Wash Station]@row = "green"), "Excellent", "Needs Updating")

    I almost feel like you want the opposite, if either is not Green, you want Needs Updating.

    =IF(NOT(OR([Resus Trolley/Cart]@row = "green", [Eye Wash Station]@row = "green")), "Needs Updating", "Excellent")


  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    What will the Comments say if one is green and the other is blank or red?

    Put this in your Comments column, and you will see the problem.

    =IF(OR([Resus Trolley/Cart]@row = "green", [Eye Wash Station]@row = "green"), "Excellent", "Needs Updating")

    I almost feel like you want the opposite, if either is not Green, you want Needs Updating.

    =IF(NOT(OR([Resus Trolley/Cart]@row = "green", [Eye Wash Station]@row = "green")), "Needs Updating", "Excellent")

  • Thank you very much. This works perfect

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