Hyperlink function


Based on community articles, I am confused if the Hyperlink function exists or not.

Regardless, here is what I am trying to accomplish.

In the roadmap tracking sheet, I have a column "Assigned Team". Each team has a workspace with top level workstream tracking (and intake process) and folders per project. What I want to add - when the team is selected in that column, to set the link to team's folder.

Teams come and go, so I plan to have a nomenclature sheet which would maintain a name of the team in one column and a link to team's folder in another column. I can use VLOOKUP to take link to a team folder upon selecting assigned team. But I cannot figure out how to make the link be a clickable hyperlink.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Vadim K

    A cross-sheet formula bringing in a hyperlinked cell will only be able to pull in the Display Value, or the front end text, and not the URL behind the text as well.

    However, if you store the link to the team's folder on your reference sheet as the full URL, this will come through the VLOOKUP as a URL that can be clicked on as well!

    For example, you can see that this URL was brought in with a formula because it has a blue arrow associated with the cell:




  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Vadim K

    A cross-sheet formula bringing in a hyperlinked cell will only be able to pull in the Display Value, or the front end text, and not the URL behind the text as well.

    However, if you store the link to the team's folder on your reference sheet as the full URL, this will come through the VLOOKUP as a URL that can be clicked on as well!

    For example, you can see that this URL was brought in with a formula because it has a blue arrow associated with the cell:



  • Vadim K
    Vadim K ✭✭

    Storing a full URL in the cross-reference sheet and bringing it via VLOOKUP is what I envisioned.

    Thank you for confirming.

  • Paul G.
    Paul G. ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Genevieve P. ,

    I am looking for a very similar action which is described in this question. I would like to create a hyperlink to different Smartsheets based on the request type. Upon submitting a Smartsheet form the automation copies the row and moves it to the matching request type sheet from the source sheet.

    How are the URLs stored on the source sheet, are all the URLs saved to one column?

    How is the URL identified as the URL for a specific request type?

    I am familiar with VLOOKUP from Excel but did not use it as INDEX and MATCH was more flexible in searching. I do not have experience using VLOOKUP in Smartsheet and is it limited with the order of the columns similar to Excel.

    Thank you for your time and response.

    Paul G.

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @Paul G.

    I also prefer INDEX(MATCH - it is more flexible as you've noted and achieves the same end goal.

    It sounds like in your scenario adding the sheet URL as a default submission from that Form would be a good way to populate the column with that sheet's URL. Then when the row is copied over, the correct URL copies over as well!

    Let me know if you'd like to see screen captures of this.



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