Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Hi Everyone--I am trying to create a multiple IF statement that is coming an "or" and a "contains" .

This is what I have. It works independently as single statements but combined I get the dreaded UNPARSEABBLE.

=IF(OR(temp@row = “Ambient”, Temp@row = “None Required”), “WIP”), IF (Temp@row = "2-8c cooler", "COL"), IF(CONTAINS(Temp@row, "Freezer"), "FRE")

This is my ask:

If the column TEMP (in this row) says "Ambient" or "None Required" the result is WIP, IF the Temp (in this row) is "2-8c Cooler" the result is COL, IF the TEMP(in this row) contains the word "Freezer" the result is FRE.

Any help is appreciated!

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