Formulas and Functions

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extracting text strings from a cell


  • ✭✭✭✭

    I'm having similar problems with extracting text strings from a cell. I want everything to the left of the @ in an email address and the results are a specific count (8 characters) instead of variable (5-13). What am I doing wrong? When I replace the @ with %40, it returns the entire email address.

    =LEFT([Email1]@row, LEN([Email1]@row) - FIND("@", [Email1]@row))

  • Overachievers
    edited 11/16/22

    @Estelle Redding Try

    • =MID([Email1]@row, 1, FIND("@", [Email1]@row) - 1)

    If you really only want 8 characters then you just need

    • =Left(Email1@row, 8)

    of if you only want the 8 characters to the left of the @ then

    • =MID([Email1]@row, FIND("@", [Email1]@row) - 8, 8)
  • ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks, I needed the 5-13 characters to the left of the @ sign. Your first string worked perfectly, thank you, Samuel!

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