Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Notification Workflow

I have a workflow that is to send a notification to three sets of contacts when a new project request is entered from a form. The contacts are loaded into the sheet by formula depending on what department is submitting the request.

The workflow triggers when rows are added and any field changes and has a condition that ensures all of the three contact fields are not blank before the notification block runs.

The intention is to make the workflow wait for the needed contacts to load before the notification runs.

Here is what I see.

The workflow triggers and ultimately sends the notification. Some people claim they are not getting the notification.

My question is am I handling the conditional logic correctly?



  • Community Champion

    @Earl Tessmer It's likely that the automation is firing before the logic of the 3 fields is able to process the entry for those columns. You could add a helper column to your sheet (a checkbox); that when checked, it fires off your automation instead of firing the automation when a new row is added. The logic for your new checkbox column should be checked on when the 3 contact fields are not blank.

    Alternatively, you could fire off the alert to each contact separately when the individual contact columns are updated.

    Ryan Sides

    Smartsheet Tips and Tricks for Beginners and Advanced on LinkedIn and YouTube

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    @Ryan Sides Thanks Ryan. I definitely considered that. The conditional block was my solution for that condition. Would the conditional logic hold the workflow until everything updates? I'm just not clear what to expect from the conditional block.

  • Community Champion

    @Earl Tessmer . It's not going to hold it. The conditional block is a "check" at the time the trigger runs. So it's saying: When a new row is added, check to see if these 3 fields are filled. If they are, send a notification.

    But if the row is added and all 3 fields are not completed (due to the timing, etc.), the conditional block will fail and the path will go to "Otherwise", which has nothing below it, so nothing happens.

    Ryan Sides

    Smartsheet Tips and Tricks for Beginners and Advanced on LinkedIn and YouTube

    Come Say Hello!

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    @Ryan Sides Got it. That was the thing I wasn't clear on. I was figuring it was going to either work or not work because of the race condition. It seems like it kind of works.

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