Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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# Invalid data type

I have a column "OSP SLA ATTESTATION" there are 3 dropdown choices "All SLAs have been met and there were no breaches", "SLA not met &/or breach", "Service not used for period"

When the cell is populated with one of these drop downs I want to formula to result in "submitted"

Formula below:

=IF(OR([OSP SLA Attestation]@row = "All SLAs have been met and there were no breaches", "SLA not met a&/or breach", "Service not used for period"), "submitted")

I have played around with the formula but no joy. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Kieran Howard

    Ensure your column is of type text. Also I believe the OR function requires declaration of the column@row for each instance.

    Try something like this:

    =IF(OR([OSP SLA Attestation]@row = "All SLAs have been met and there were no breaches", [OSP SLA Attestation]@row = "SLA not met &/or breach", [OSP SLA Attestation]@row = "Service not used for period"), "submitted")

    Hope this helps!


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