Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Is it possible to add new Rows not above but beneith a certain Row

Hello everyone,

i have a question about addin Rows. The normal setting on Smarsheet is if adding a new row it appears above the selected row.

In my project we work with a lot of filters, so a lot of Rows are sometimes not visible. So if during a meeting i want to add a new row under a certain Row, its problematic, cause due to to the filters it gets added somewhere totally else.

Does anybody know if there is the possibility to chance in the settings, to add the new row not above but beneith a certain Row ?

thanks a lot for your ideas and answers

greets from Berlin


Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓


    If you click on a cell in a row, it will indeed only insert above.

    However, if you go to the far left of the row, you can choose whether to insert above or below when right clicking:

    Unfortunately this doesn't have a shortcut key, but it is possible.


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    When you are referring to adding a new row, are you meaning the Insert Row function? If you press the Insert Button on your keyboard, yes that will always add a new row above the row you currently have selected. There's no way to change that. You can either select the row below so that when you hit the Insert Button it adds the row where you want it at or you can right-click the first row you were on and choose Insert Below from the menu. There isn't a shortcut key to the Insert Below function.

    If you weren't referring to the Insert Button but maybe adding rows via a form, there's an option on the form setting to add a row to the top or bottom of the sheet when new forms are submitted.

    If neither of these are what you meant by adding a new row, please provide more detail about how you're adding a new row.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Actually, after reading your post again I get what you're saying. So here's an example sheet:

    I have a column with either "test" or "no test" in the Primary Column. I've got a filter enabled to only show the ones that have "test" in the Primary Column. Currently, I've got Row #12 highlighted. If I either press the Insert Button or right-click and choose Insert Above, it will add a new row that's blank and it will now become Row #12.

    If I select Row #14 and either press Insert Button or Insert Above, it will add a new row that is now Row #14 and what was in Row #14 then becomes Row #15.

    It's predictable logic. I'm not sure where it's causing a problem. Please explain more about how the new row is added randomly where it causes a problem not knowing where it will be.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Also if I have Row #14 selected and right-click it and choose Insert Below, it inserts a new row that's Row #15. It's predictable and working as one would assume it would.

  • ✭✭

    @Mike TV

    Thank you for all your replies. I will first try to explain better my problem and why it causes problems.

    lets take an example sheet with tasks and status ( to do, done, archived)

    we sort our tasks like that, and if its done and checked again we put it on status archived

    In a meeting I do not want to see all the archived tasks so i use a filter and filter archived tasks out

    If now in the meeting its decided to add a subtask to task 2 , i can only add a row by clicking on adding row above. So I click on task 7 and add Sub task 2.

    and if now I remove my filter, the subtask is not in order where it should be unter task 2.

  • ✭✭

    @ Mike TV

    but if this function you mentioned “selected and right-click it and choose Insert Below” exists it would solve the problem, but i have after right click only the option to add above

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓


    If you click on a cell in a row, it will indeed only insert above.

    However, if you go to the far left of the row, you can choose whether to insert above or below when right clicking:

    Unfortunately this doesn't have a shortcut key, but it is possible.

  • ✭✭

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