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Can the selections for my dropdown list come from a separate sheet, such that when I edit the sheet the dropdown options automatically change too?
Hi @Improve Consulting ,
Unfortunately this isn't a current capability. It is a common question and on the enhancement list. Andree Stara has posted a couple workarounds if you think they're worth the effort.
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These two companies offer a solution. They are outside of Smartsheet. I am not affiliated with either:
Some people have expressed security concerns since both solutions use the Smartsheet API but I am not technically competent to speak to this point.
Hopefully, Smartsheet will develop an internal solution at some stage.
Hope you are fine, as @Mark Cronk mentioned the following solution by Andree Stara could help you please check it
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Hi @Improve Consulting ,
Unfortunately this isn't a current capability. It is a common question and on the enhancement list. Andree Stara has posted a couple workarounds if you think they're worth the effort.
I'm grateful for your "Vote Up" or "Insightful". Thank you for contributing to the Community.
These two companies offer a solution. They are outside of Smartsheet. I am not affiliated with either:
Some people have expressed security concerns since both solutions use the Smartsheet API but I am not technically competent to speak to this point.
Hopefully, Smartsheet will develop an internal solution at some stage.
Hope you are fine, as @Mark Cronk mentioned the following solution by Andree Stara could help you please check it
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I have the same question and don't have access to the data uploader with my license. Any other idea to workaround this issue? When do you expect the functionality to be released in Smartsheet?
Thanks All.
You are more than welcome
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@Improve Consulting Hi, feel free to take a look at our Sync App which provides the capability you are looking for Cheers
I think this needs to be implemented into SmartSheet asap as this is a very basic function and shouldn't be too tough to implement. I'm working on multiple sheets with a drop down of employee list and you can imagine what a burden to update all those dds as there is a circulation of employees at all times
Absolutely. Just ran into this issue. About 10 sheets with 100 employees that have to be updated every addition/subtraction. Frustrating.
Can we please add to Smartsheet the functionality to link dropdown options in one sheet to another sheet as it's clearly a need?
Hi All,
It was a big need for me and I had no choice but to solve it. See the video I put together to show how I achieved it.
David Jasven | Workflow and Business Process Consultant / CEO @
W: | E: | WhatsApp: +1 347 380-7697
Feel comfortable to contact me for any help with Smartsheet, integrations, general business process advice, or anything else. I am more responsive on Whatsapp. 👨🎓