Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Need checkbox formula to check if one date is 5 days or more prior to another date


I have created checkbox formulas to provide a team's SLA metrics for several key dates. One of the formulas is not working well - the SLA is expected to be 5 days prior to another date. Here is my current formula. The "EB Sent 5 Days Before" date should be 5 days or more before the "Start Date" which will trigger the checkbox. It is checking the box even if the "EB Sent 5 Days Before" field is empty.

=IFERROR(IF(WORKDAY([Start Date]@row, -5) >= [EB Sent 5 Days Before]@row, 1, 0), 0)

I also need to work in holidays. I have found info on adding dates for that formula but where should I place it in the formula?

Thanks so much for your help!



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