Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Do all reviewers have to click Approve in review for the Proof Status to change to Approve

edited 04/12/23 in Smartsheet Basics

I am using automations to ping off the Proof Status Approve to update other status columns in my sheet. I want to verify that if I invite 3 reviewers that all 3 have to click approve before the Proof status updates to Approve or is it only one of the 3.


  • Community Champion

    @PDunn If the team are providing feedback it will log the information at the bottom so that you can see the status entered by each user, if you hover over the blue numbers, it will also show which user logged which response. If someone marks the review complete, this can still be done even with a user having noted that the require changes.

    The system does have the ability to add Proof columns to your data sheet, where you can have it auto enter the field for items such as: Pending Approval From, Changes Requested by, etc. This may also help you capture the status.

    If my answer helped you, please be sure to mark it as Accepted to help future learners locate the information.

    Always happy to work through questions or concerns!

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have already added the proof info columns into my sheet and understand the proofing process. My question is I have 3 reviewers I invited to review the proof. If 2 reviewers select Requires Changes and 1 reviewer Approve the Proof Status automatically changes to Requires Changes. For the Proof Status to show Approved do all 3 reviewers have to select Approve button? Or does it go to approve even if one person selects Approve? I can't seem to find anything on Smartsheet that describes this functionality

  • Community Champion


    It will only switch to approved once all recipients have approved... if you're wanting a manual status, you can use some of the other contact columns (eg. below) and a formula.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Lachlan Stead thank you for clarifying all invited reviewers must click Approved to the proof column status to update to Approve.

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