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RYGB balls based on due date & status


I am trying to have a RYGB call status say this:

If Due Date is today or before today & status is NOT = "complete", show ball as RED

If Due Date is tomorrow or 4 days from tomorrow & status = "Not Started", show ball as Red

If Due Date is today or greater than today & status  = "In Progress", show ball as Yellow

If Status = complete, show ball as greeen

If Due Date is 6 days from today & status = "Not Started", show ball as Gray


I have been struggling with this one....any help would be great...


  • SmSulli


    That's pretty complicated, but doable smiley

    This formula will go in the RYGG column formatted to symbols.

    =IF(Status1 = "", "", IF(Status1 = "Complete", "Green", IF(AND(Status1 = "In Progress", [Due Date]1 >= TODAY()), "Yellow", IF(AND(Status1 = "Not Started", [Due Date]1 > TODAY(), [Due Date]1 < TODAY() + 5), "Red", IF(Status1 = "", "", IF(AND(Status1 = "Not Started", [Due Date]1 - 5 > TODAY()), "Gray", "Red"))))))

    I'd recommend using a drop down for the Status column.  This will help avoid typos causing you issues.

    Good Luck



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